Noala Pro

Noala is creating a new, clinically backed standard of speech and language therapy, empowering speech professionals to help more families in need. I joined as the first design hire, working alongside the founder and engineering team to build Noala Pro — a SaaS platform for speech therapists to streamline their practice.

Noala Pro

Noala is creating a new, clinically backed standard of speech and language therapy, empowering speech professionals to help more families in need. I joined as the first design hire, working alongside the founder and engineering team to build Noala Pro — a SaaS platform for speech therapists to streamline their practice.

Noala Pro

Noala is creating a new, clinically backed standard of speech and language therapy, empowering speech professionals to help more families in need. I joined as the first design hire, working alongside the founder and engineering team to build Noala Pro — a SaaS platform for speech therapists to streamline their practice.

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Understanding our users

Noala launched its MVP in late 2021 to a closed group of speech professionals in the UK. After 6 months of activity and frequent 1-to-1 conversations with early users, we set out to build a new and improved Noala, leveraging data and learnings to build a better experience for therapists.

Too many actions

What was clear from our conversations and HotJar recordings was that we had too many buttons on each patient profile and users were confused about which action they should take. To combat this we introduced two new components; tabs for easier navigation around the patient profile, and a dropdown button for all the therapists key actions.

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Like many other health care professionals, we believed that most of our traffic would come on desktop and laptop devices. However this was quickly proved wrong, with over 80% of traffic coming from mobile or tablet devices. As the MVP hadn’t been truly optimised for mobile, this was a key change required in the new user experience.

No time for community

We believed early on that therapists would use our community forum to connect with one another to share methodologies, exercises and learnings. However what we found was that the community page only served as a distraction for what they really needed Noala for — streamlining their business. We removed the community page and instead, focussed on delivering features that were core to their day-to-day practice.

Mapping the experience

Our next step was to put these learnings into action. We revisited our UX journey maps to improve the overall workflow and ensure the information hierarchy matched our therapists’ jobs to be done.

Building the foundations

With clear direction on not just what we needed to change but why, we set out to build a new design system — creating the core components and patterns we needed across the product. It was a time sensitive project with just 3 months in the summer (therapists low season) to develop our new design system in Figma and Storybook and implement the changes across the product.


In September 2022 we successfully relaunched Noala Pro, opening up the platform to UK speech therapists. It was massive achievement to deliver such large scale change in a short period of time and allowed us to begin working on the other side of our platform — online therapy programs for children with communication disorders.

Understanding our users

Noala launched its MVP in late 2021 to a closed group of speech professionals in the UK. After 6 months of activity and frequent 1-to-1 conversations with early users, we set out to build a new and improved Noala, leveraging data and learnings to build a better experience for therapists.

Too many actions

What was clear from our conversations and HotJar recordings was that we had too many buttons on each patient profile and users were confused about which action they should take. To combat this we introduced two new components; tabs for easier navigation around the patient profile, and a dropdown button for all the therapists key actions.

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Like many other health care professionals, we believed that most of our traffic would come on desktop and laptop devices. However this was quickly proved wrong, with over 80% of traffic coming from mobile or tablet devices. As the MVP hadn’t been truly optimised for mobile, this was a key change required in the new user experience.

No time for community

We believed early on that therapists would use our community forum to connect with one another to share methodologies, exercises and learnings. However what we found was that the community page only served as a distraction for what they really needed Noala for — streamlining their business. We removed the community page and instead, focussed on delivering features that were core to their day-to-day practice.

Mapping the experience

Our next step was to put these learnings into action. We revisited our UX journey maps to improve the overall workflow and ensure the information hierarchy matched our therapists’ jobs to be done.

Building the foundations

With clear direction on not just what we needed to change but why, we set out to build a new design system — creating the core components and patterns we needed across the product. It was a time sensitive project with just 3 months in the summer (therapists low season) to develop our new design system in Figma and Storybook and implement the changes across the product.


In September 2022 we successfully relaunched Noala Pro, opening up the platform to UK speech therapists. It was massive achievement to deliver such large scale change in a short period of time and allowed us to begin working on the other side of our platform — online therapy programs for children with communication disorders.

Understanding our users

Noala launched its MVP in late 2021 to a closed group of speech professionals in the UK. After 6 months of activity and frequent 1-to-1 conversations with early users, we set out to build a new and improved Noala, leveraging data and learnings to build a better experience for therapists.

Too many actions

What was clear from our conversations and HotJar recordings was that we had too many buttons on each patient profile and users were confused about which action they should take. To combat this we introduced two new components; tabs for easier navigation around the patient profile, and a dropdown button for all the therapists key actions.

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Like many other health care professionals, we believed that most of our traffic would come on desktop and laptop devices. However this was quickly proved wrong, with over 80% of traffic coming from mobile or tablet devices. As the MVP hadn’t been truly optimised for mobile, this was a key change required in the new user experience.

No time for community

We believed early on that therapists would use our community forum to connect with one another to share methodologies, exercises and learnings. However what we found was that the community page only served as a distraction for what they really needed Noala for — streamlining their business. We removed the community page and instead, focussed on delivering features that were core to their day-to-day practice.

Mapping the experience

Our next step was to put these learnings into action. We revisited our UX journey maps to improve the overall workflow and ensure the information hierarchy matched our therapists’ jobs to be done.

Building the foundations

With clear direction on not just what we needed to change but why, we set out to build a new design system — creating the core components and patterns we needed across the product. It was a time sensitive project with just 3 months in the summer (therapists low season) to develop our new design system in Figma and Storybook and implement the changes across the product.


In September 2022 we successfully relaunched Noala Pro, opening up the platform to UK speech therapists. It was massive achievement to deliver such large scale change in a short period of time and allowed us to begin working on the other side of our platform — online therapy programs for children with communication disorders.

Looking for a new face
in your design team? Let's chat

Looking for a new face in your design team? Let's chat

Looking for a new face
in your design team? Let's chat
